USA International Speedway Feb 24, 2002
photos by KARNAC.com

BillyMowery BillytheKid BobbyGill BobbyGill2 BobbyGillwinnerusa BuggyPletcher
usa2 traffic6 DerrickKelley DerrickKelley1 usa1 duze
finish GillCrew Gosselin-Christian greenflag1 HalGoodson HalGoodson2
HalGoodson3 HalGoodson4 JasonSarvis-poleusa JeremyBowser JonKinder KertusDavis
MarioGosselin MartNesbitt MikeWilliams Plemons Ritch Sammons-lap1trouble
theSheriff traffic1 traffic2 traffic3 traffic4 traffic5
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